As most already know, the diamond is a mineral considered beautiful, whose composition is the most simple that there are. In its entirety, although ever find with a minimum ratio of nitrogen, the diamond is composed of pure crystallized carbon. On the other hand, chemical element also composes part of our basic organic chemistry. It would be logical to think that the diamond crystal, to be composed of the same chemical element that the graphite common, had the same way, but what distinguishes them is the way in which the chemical bonds that bind these carbon atoms. In the case of graphite, are the carbon atoms are further apart.
The diamond crystal, formed from the repetition and the amount of carbon atoms in the three directions that has space. These carbon atoms are linked to each other through some chemical bonds very strong and very short, distinct from those of the graphite in its chain. These links in chemical terms receive the name of “covalent bonds”.
It is for this reason that, the diamond crystal, is cataloged within the group of glass gems of the type of group 1, or what is the same, the cubic system. Its physical properties make the diamond one of the most precious minerals and used in the world of jewelry. With this, we know that the diamond is a precious mineral that occurs in the natural state, in various shades. Shades that we can assess whether the light that shines on them are adequate. By the time we know diamonds colorless, blues, greens, yellows, pinks, reds, oranges, browns and blacks. Clear is that depending on the color, its value increases or decreases.
It is logical, and many of our readers already know, throughout history there have been and, probably, there will be diamonds known for its bizarre nature, size or origin.
The jewelry firm Clemència Peris can boast to do a job outside of series with the diamond. The jewelry that our creative director, designer and founder of the signature, it creates in its workshops, are jewels that have an added value that other firms do not have exclusivity of parts of a very high sophistication, and handmade. These features make our parts, our customers, not just to receive a piece of great aesthetic value but also possess a unique piece to all the others.