At this stage of the year comes the time to get together with their family, lunch and dinner together around tables filled with sumptuous meals in which, typically, screen-printing on many of the issues that have happened during the year. This process always takes us to the end of the year to reflect on what happened and to speculate about the projects we have in mind for the New Year.
Somehow, we promise to meet during the course of the year that we are open again.
From the team of Clemència Peris we have also made a promise for the New Year, continue to persevere in fulfilling our dream. A dream that has led us to a process of international expansion of our product and we have put all our effort and illusion.
Now that we have about the day of old night, night, has always been recognized environment to a scenario of exclusivity, luxury, fashion and design, we want to offer a selection of our parts, by way of suggesting a gift idea to their loved ones.
This proposal, he offers them the possibility of presenting someone with a unique gift, carried out through a complex process artisan, which gives that unique value to the jewelry that our designer creates for the signing.
The rings trilogy collection, represent the union of the three great aspirations most desired historically between the promises for the entry of the New Year, harmonizing them into the three moments that define our life trajectory. The past, present and future.
Three moments that find their logical relationship at the time we closed a year, reviewing what happened at the time in which we find ourselves and plainly to the destination with the new commitments that we intend to live in consequence much as possible.
We, also, one of the new pieces to our collection earrings, loaded with a high content of unique design, artistic value, and impeccable artisan.
With all don’t want to miss the opportunity to congratulate you all once again the feasts, and wish them the best entrance to the new year, as well as our most sincere wish that their promises will be crowned with the passage of the new year.
Clemència Peris wishes you a Merry Christmas and an unforgettable year!