About Christmas.

Christmas a vital period of reflection

Christmas gifts. Christmas is a period of the year in which, by some in love with desire, was born in all of us the need for heat so special and comforting that offers the family, friends and more intimate. Christmas is that short period of time in which we moved our conscience, to subjecting it to a thorough review of each and every one of the events experienced during the year. For example, all those people in the passing of the days we learn and establishing closer ties. With which we share, at times, countless experiences that enrich us.
All the challenges and promises that arise from our daily personal activity, and for which we are always great efforts to overcome and, of course, all these dreams faded in the night of the times that configure and educate our character that in turn become essential to our emotional growth.
But above all of this reflection is followed by a balance sheet which, in its best of intentions, creates new promises for the future so immediately of the “every day”. Moments like these are what make all of us, take full cognizance of by where we conduct our lives, which are the ways to choose.

Reflection: how, when and where

Although the frenetic pace of the routine does not provide us the devote, the necessary time for personal reflection with oneself, the people, in life, we must find it to recognize and achieve peace if only to a small extent. To every breath of air, every sip of tea. In spite of our daily duties our life trajectory must be driven to consecrate our lives in the search for “the perfect flower”, because in spite of that, often is not up to the twilight of our days, that search will be made that worthwhile, even though all of them are, by nature, already perfect.
Although the Christmas festivities as conducive to the reflection, there are always to be invited to that moment of personal experience. The experience helps us to forget the world and of ourselves, to observe it selflessly and reflect on our issues from a critical perspective, undisputedly already, in individuals filled with knowledge. A knowledge that provides us with what is necessary to exit to the world.
For this act reflective we can always find favorable sites, one of them can be the family, but also the gastronomy, cinema, music, the arts in general [ … ], infinite are the objects or activities that promote this unique experience and aesthetics.

Christmas gifts

Fundamentally, the poinsettias, at which time the ties between our loved ones are narrowed, what better way to express the deep love that through a wonderful and sophisticated gift such as a piece of jewelry.
The values of a family tradition, the delicate and sophisticated work of craftsmanship and unique stamp that offers the signature of Clemència Peris, was opened in a comprehensive catalog in pieces of high jewelry that are always the best option for gifts to all those who make our life so special.
The work of our workshops, always in harmony with the artistic design of Clemència Peris, not only makes us possible to offer a catalog in parts of a quality reputation and wealth with exclusive designs in rings, earrings, brooches and sets with high quality materials if not that, also, offers the possibility of acquiring a unique gem for every occasion given the nature of their craft.
In these times of personal recollection, family, love, peace and serenity, Clemència Peris wishes you a Merry Christmas and a next year full of gleaming expectations.
Merry Christmas.