Restaurant Lover Week Barcelona 2014

Restaurant Lover Week Barcelona 2014 What, how, when and where

This past week has taken place the already well-known Restaurant Lover Week 2014, which was held in our beloved city of Barcelona, This is an event dedicated to gastronomy in its highest manifestation in which approximately thirty restaurants offering menus have been carefully prepared by renowned chefs at popular prices that reach 24 euros, or 25, a one euro more expensive that is intended to the FEDAIA foundation, a platform not-for-profit sector, which brings together all the organizations that focus its work object in small i young, belonging to families that are at risk of social exclusion.

An standard of taste

As not, in the line of what we want to offer our readers we must find a time for reflection on what we understand by the taste and is in harmony with what you already do centuries was one of the greatest thinkers in the history of the English philosophy, the British ARVD Hume in one of their more known manifests on this topic, “the standard of taste“.
In this text, David Hume lays the foundation for a standard for the taste in a different sense in which, typically, takes on the part of all of us. Deals with the conflict of, the diversity and unity in what is called, the “trial aesthetic“.
According to what the author develops throughout the text, should always be the common sense that dictates that we, the taste, it is a feeling, a subjective sensation that, at the same time, imposes on us a certain feeling of certainty about what type of works of art, whether paintings, sculptures, pieces of music, etc. , we seem to exceed objectively.


At the same time, David Hume warns us that the reference point that often is taken to determine that we believe art and what not, in this case, the beauty, can lead us to certain conclusions ambiguous, as it is by common and of great difficulty, observe objectively what we is beautiful by overpower what doesn’t because, according to the author, the beautiful “the beauty lies in the eyes of those who notes”, in the same way that the feelings are always correct by nature and there will be no better in both that we are not aware of encountering them.
For this reason, David Hume appeals to the standard of taste as something that must be identified in the verdict and unanimous consensus of critics competent.
When it comes to competent critical, understands that should be established a series of conditions that make possible a critical judgment in which a good critical, through a process of purification and cultivation of their sense of taste over time can disclose a criterion on a artistic object that is recognized by the rest and, therefore, an approach that serves as a reference to the other.
These conditions for Hume have to be: the delicacy of taste which admits that the beauty or deformity are not qualities of the objects themselves, and therefore, we must recognize other qualities in these that by nature are recommended for the occurrence of these feelings of which we speak. Practice, which is the quality that, contributes to a greater extent to the cultivation of aesthetic judgment.


The comparation between, the different types of beauty, which is presented to us. The freedom of prejudices, that is to say, a release of these filters that often are imposed on us in the mind, and that predispose us to certain critical attitudes in front of the infinite variety of aesthetic objects that exist, and finally the good sense which is the that enables us to control precisely this influence of prejudices that as we said previously weaken the firmness of critical judgment.
All we understand the elegance as something worthy of praise, however, that is worthy of praise is different for each person.” David Hume.
For this reason, we invite our readers to the observation of the work, from Clemencia Peris we offer in our stores and on our website, as a good place to reflect and cultivate this sense of taste in its meaning less literal. As a place for reflection aesthetics with the help of an aesthetic object of great value, not only for its content, but by the nature of its production. A crafted product, with the seal of an expert hand that offers not only exclusive, but purity, effort, art and, of course, a refined sense of good taste.

Reflection on the original text of

HUME, D., “L’standard gust“, “The standard of taste” (1757). -Of the Standard of taste. Boston: The Harvard Classics, vol. 27., 1909-1914. First published in 1757. Online edition: []. Traduction in Cast. “the standard of taste”, Museu de Valencia de l’llustracio i la Modernitat , 2008.